‘Let Go and Live’
March 1, 2021
Addiction: ‘Recovery means to find something.’
August 20, 2021Testimonials

I am always asked where are my testimonials? Then I get the mountain of advice as to why I need them, how they’ll catapult my business to the front page of Google, and that written one’s are no longer the go, they have to be video, blah, blah…
When I say I don’t ask for them, people are just astounded and they desperately want to convince me I need them, until they finally run out of steam and just want to know why?
I tell them, I deal with trauma, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. We’re really talking about the emotional trauma of people who don’t feel safe in the world and haven’t for a long time, if they ever did. And you have to remember, these people have such pain in their every day existence that they usually don’t tell anyone. And if they do, they gloss over it so that it’s not a talking point.
I also tell my clients that the fewer people who know they are in the throes of doing this hard personal work, the better for them. That way any pressure to succeed, ‘you’ll do this easily’, or any pressure to fail, ‘yeah I’ll believe that when I see it’, can’t happen.
My business coach would box my ears for this, but for me to ask for a testimonial at the conclusion of a client’s hypnotherapeutic program when they are potentially on a ‘hypno-high’, in my opinion is both self-serving and unethical.
How dare I expect for these people to put their past pain on show?
I would prefer to celebrate my clients’ victories by keeping them anonymous. It is for them to tell others, not me. I respect privacy and know what confidentiality means. But if a client does send me a few words after they have been out in the world and tested their new mindset, I’m all for publishing it. In the third person of course.
As for growing my business, those who need me will find me. And it is my firm belief that those who have reaped the benefits will tell others and this is my preferred method of testimonial.
We like to do things quietly here. That is why we are Whispered Wisdom Hypnotherapy. There’s enough noise in the world.
About Us
Imagine. Believe. Become!
You can find out more at www.whisperedwisdom.com.au, like us on FaceBook, email lee@whisperedwisdom.com.au or call M: 0427 431 567.