Hypnosis for Anxiety and Depression
July 22, 2015
Spirit Attachment and Invasive Energy Hypnosis
October 9, 2015Hypnosis for the 10 things stressing Aussies out!

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are extremely well known for their ability to induce relaxation, but did you know that on a consistent basis, deep relaxation is scientifically proven to reduce stress and enhance emotional strength and physical health? How, I hear you ask? Well hypnosis works directly with the subconscious mind and it is the subconscious mind which regulates the immune system and the body’s other vital systems, hence aiding the mind and body in the healing process.
10 major stressors
For the last four years the Australian Psychological Society has surveyed the stress and wellbeing levels of people across the nation to see just how stressed we are. Interestingly the 2014 major contributing factors were listed, in order, as Money (49%), Family (45%), Health (42%), Keeping fit (39%), Health of family and friends (36%), Work (32%), Relationships (31%), Economy (30%), Politics (29%) and Friends (29%).
Other survey findings include:
- One in four Australians reported moderate to severe levels of distress, with the highest levels among the 18-25 and 26-35 age groups.
- Lowest levels of wellbeing were reported by those aged 18-25 and 46-55.
- Almost two in five Australians reported experiencing some depression symptoms, with 13% reporting symptoms in the severe to extremely severe range.
- More than one quarter of Australians reported experiencing at least some anxiety symptoms, with 13% reporting severe to extremely severe levels of anxiety.
- In 2014, men reported significantly higher levels of anxiety than women.
Source: www.psychology.org.au/psychologyweek/survey/
How does stressed out feel?
When exposed to stress, the central nervous system activates, releasing hormones like adrenalin and cortisol, which cause an increase in heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, metabolism, muscle tension, perspiration, etc.
In mild amounts, stress is useful to motivate and enhance our performance; however, at the harmful end of the scale, these responses are prolonged and can lead to:
- Headaches and other aches and pains
- Sleep disturbance or insomnia
- Gastrointestinal issues (upset stomach, indigestion, diarrhoea)
- Anxiety, anger, irritability, moodiness and tearfulness
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Feelings of overwhelm and loss of control
- Concentration difficulties
- Low self-esteem and lack of confidence
- High blood pressure
- Weakened immune system
- Heart disease
Hypnosis Case Study – Stress Management
60 year old Joan travelled for three hours to attend, bringing a ‘shopping list’ of desired outcomes. She described the usual age related aches and pains which prevented her from doing the exercise she would like to do so that she could reduce, and then maintain her weight. Joan also needed to lower her blood pressure, which she was grappling with, as she was a caring for her husband during his convalescence from illness. Lastly, Joan felt she was probably stressed, describing that this manifested as rudeness and sometimes aggression when she interacted with people who she felt didn’t listen to her. She wanted to be calm and unruffled, but to remain assertive.
At the conclusion of her session, Joan promised to provide feedback in a fortnight, and left feeling energised, calm and focussed. I wondered about her when I didn’t hear back from her, but decided against calling as she had not told her husband or her GP that she was having hypnosis as neither of them “believed in it”.
Surprisingly, Joan called a month later, apologising for not being in touch sooner. She described her GP’s amazement at her consistently ‘perfect’ blood pressure readings, even given her ‘circumstances’. I politely enquired after those ‘circumstances’ and learned that while travelling in a remote area, her husband had passed away unexpectedly in the passenger seat as she drove. Joan reported that even in this most stressful time, she found herself calmly focussing on getting to the nearest hospital as quickly and safely as possible. Sadly it was too late.
In the weeks following, Joan continued focussing on her new routine, exercising, relatively pain free, eating healthily, happy that she had almost reached her goal weight. Importantly, she advised she had successfully negotiated all of the funeral ‘arrangements’ in a remarkably calm, but assertive manner. She reported that her family and friends were astounded at her new positive outlook and the manner with which she conducted herself during this very trying time.
Something to ponder?
Of interest, the survey found Australians manage stress by watching TV or movies (87%), spending time with family and friends (83%), focussing on positives (81%), listening to music (80%) and reading (76%). Where necessary they sought help from family and friends or their GP. Only one in seven (13%) visited a psychologist or mental health professional.
To a lesser extent people reported turning to food, avoiding people/situations, going shopping, sleeping more, using social media, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, gambling and taking recreational drugs.
There are other alternatives such as hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Instead of distracting yourself via temporary measures, you could try changing your thought processes and usual responses to stressful stimuli. This will not only have a positive, lasting impact on your mental health, but also on your physical wellbeing.
If you think hypnosis may help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information.
About Us
Blending traditional hypnosis with science and spirit is our forte at Whispered Wisdom Hypnotherapy, Muswellbrook. You can find out more at www.whisperedwisdom.com.au, like us on FaceBook, email lee@whisperedwisdom.com.au or call M: 0427 431 567.