Energetic Hypnosis and Mesmerism
Energetic Hypnosis
For psycho-somatic illness, skin conditions and pain
Combining hypnosis and mesmeric energy healing techniques, Energetic Hypnosis assists in restoring the mind and physical body to a healthy balance. Specialised techniques engage the ability of the mind in eliminating or alleviating the causal effects of some diseases and most psycho-somatic (mind-body) conditions.
This includes cancer, skin conditions (eg. warts, psoriasis, eczema, allergic reactions), fibromyalgia and pain, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and psycho-somatic psychological conditions such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia.
There is an abundance of credible scientific and experiential evidence demonstrating that hypnosis, as an adjunctive treatment, can effectively restore the mind or the physical body back to balance and health. Hypnosis appeals to the subconscious mind to utilise food, water, vitamins and minerals, etc to the body’s greatest benefit. The subconscious mind also regulates the immune system and the body’s other energy systems. Hence the power of hypnosis to aid the mind and body in the healing process.
Energetic Hypnosis for cancer patients
This treatment is an adjunct to conventional cancer treatments.
Hypnosis trials conducted in Western Australia during 2005 showed improvements are possible in many aspects of a cancer patient’s quality of life. These improvements include an increase in energy and positive outcomes relating to insomnia, nausea, physical functioning and feelings relating to overall wellbeing.
Whispered Wisdom Hypnotherapy is proud to offer these sessions to patients at a greatly reduced cost.
Collingwood BR, Elliott NJ. Hypnosis & Cancer Trial Clinical Report. 2005 available at www.rickcollingwood.com.au.

- Hypnosis used in relation to cancer or any other degenerative disease is focused upon improving the quality of life, not the quantity.
- A written referral from your treating physician is required prior to commencement of these specialist hypnosis treatments.
- We offer advice relating to hypnosis only, not medical advice.